Opelika Pickleball Club
Once you have read all of the instructions on how to become a member or how to renew your membership, please proceed to bottom of page and click "Join/Renew" button.
Members of Opelika Pickleball Club have the opportunity for early registration to club-managed tournaments and club member tournament discounts.
Members receive discounts with some Pickleball Vendors, i.e., Pickleball Central, Engage, and more.
New members will get an introductory orientation to the sport. Also, you will be provided with a selection of paddles to try out and provided some equipment recommendations.
You will be asked only to wear proper attire, including “Court Shoes.”
Need practice? Members have access to use the Lobster Pickleball machine. Reservations requested. Available most mornings except Saturday/Sunday and high playing times/events.
GroupMe is a mobile group messaging app. We have a private group for members only that allow us to communicate closely regarding club activities and announcements. Also, there within a private direct message option we can utilize.
Almost weekly, some groups get together to practice drills and skills. Members are alerted through the private member GroupMe accounts.
The Tuesday/Thursday Dinkers group holds monthly birthday potluck luncheons. Club socials, picnics, and members-only and mixer tournaments are also included. Members-only tournaments are held most months.
Click the following link to set up your account within Pickleball brackets.
You should receive an email invitation from Pickleball Brackets to complete your profile.
After completing you profile, search under 'Club' and select Opelika Pickleball Club. Click "Become a Member."
Click on "Blue Button - Select Membership Plan" You will be redirected where you select the only option available.
Once prompted, complete payment for your membership fee using PayPal or Credit Card.
If you must pay by cash, you will need to email oapbnow@gmail.com.
1. Go to your Pickleball Brackets account
2. If you don't have a membership for the current enrollment period, click "Select a Membership Plan."
3. Select your plan and proceed to payment.
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